Honey bee on a pink cosmo flower

About Us

The Wisconsin Pollinators website is maintained by the Gratton Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We are a lab in the Department of Entomology within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Our mission is to learn through innovative science, creating fundamental knowledge that links insects, landscapes, and their conservation in support of healthy ecosystems and human well being. A major focus of our research revolves around the conservation of and services provided by wild and managed pollinators.

WiBee Project Staff

Ben Bradford

Position title: Data visualization and analysis

Email: bbradford@wisc.edu

Hannah Gaines-Day

Position title: Scientist and project lead

Email: hgaines@wisc.edu

Claudio Gratton

Position title: Professor and principal investigator

Email: cgratton@wisc.edu

Dan Imhoff

Position title: App developer

Email: dan@caracal.tech

Eliza Pessereau

Position title: M.S. student and outreach coordinator

Email: pessereau@wisc.edu