Results and Data

All completed (5-minute duration) surveys are available for anyone to browse on our online data dashboard. You can select surveys by crop/flowering plant, year or season, or location (exact survey locations are not shown for privacy reasons). Once surveys are selected, we have a variety of data visualizations for you to explore. Click the link below to begin!


Visit the WiBee Online Data Dashboard


Or, you can check out our research team’s brief 2 page summaries of the Wisconsin results below. Look at a broad overview of the WiBee results or focus on a few highly pollinator-dependent crops and frequently surveyed wildflowers and ornamentals.

2021 Data Summaries

Thank you to the 317 participants who contributed over 2,000 WiBee bee surveys in 2021!

General summary  Highlights of bee data across all flower species

Crop summaries:

Select wildflowers and ornamentals:

2020 Data Summaries

Thank you to the 239 participants who contributed over 1,000 WiBee bee surveys in 2020, in Wisconsin and globally!

  • General summary – Highlights of bee data across all habitats, including prairie, woodland, farm, orchard, lawn and garden, and more.

Crop summaries: