All completed (5-minute duration) surveys are available for anyone to browse on our online data dashboard. You can select surveys by crop/flowering plant, year or season, or location (exact survey locations are not shown for privacy reasons). Once surveys are selected, we have a variety of data visualizations for you to explore. Click the link below to begin!
Visit the WiBee Online Data Dashboard
Or, you can check out our research team’s brief 2 page summaries of the Wisconsin results below. Look at a broad overview of the WiBee results or focus on a few highly pollinator-dependent crops and frequently surveyed wildflowers and ornamentals.
2021 Data Summaries
Thank you to the 317 participants who contributed over 2,000 WiBee bee surveys in 2021!
General summary – Highlights of bee data across all flower species
Crop summaries:
- Apple summary
- Cranberry summary
- Cucurbit summary – Cucurbit crops include melons, squash, cucumber and other members of the gourd family.
- Tomato summary
Select wildflowers and ornamentals:
2020 Data Summaries
Thank you to the 239 participants who contributed over 1,000 WiBee bee surveys in 2020, in Wisconsin and globally!
- General summary – Highlights of bee data across all habitats, including prairie, woodland, farm, orchard, lawn and garden, and more.
Crop summaries:
- Apple summary
- Cranberry summary
- Cucurbit summary – Cucurbit crops include melons, squash, cucumber and other members of the gourd family.