9/8/21: Welcome, it’s a good time to start

We are so excited to welcome new participants onboard! We may be transitioning to fall but there are plenty of bees out there for you to learn to use the app and contribute surveys. Be ready to just pick it up and go when your crops or flowers start blooming next year.

We have heard that some people who recently tried to register received an error that the app would not accepted their emails. It looks like the app was overloaded with a lot of requests from a recent Wisconsin State Journal article. Thanks for all the interest! We’ve upgraded the system, so if this happened to you, please try again now.

Training is included when you download and set up this free app. You can also see the same training information in our quick 5- minute survey protocol here and learn our 5 basic bee groups here. At the same time that you participate in this statewide project, you can also use WiBee to track your own local pollinators via the “my data” tab.

If you have any questions, let us know at pollinators@wisc.edu