Tomato Blitz, Cranberry results, Wildflower ID
Have pumpkins, squash, or melons? Meet their pollinators and send us surveys.
Year: 2021
7/12/21: Survey tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and wildflowers
Tomato Blitz continues, keep those great tomato surveys coming! What would summer be without cucumbers and zucchini? Fall without pumpkins and squash? Thank those bees and do some surveys. Wildflowers and ornamentals: BIG NEWS is that WiBee update 1.12 has streamlined the plant search.
7/5/21: Melons need pollinators, Tomato Blast begins!
WiBee Tomato Blast starts today! We encourage everyone to send in 3 surveys in 1 day. Mellons, cucumber, pumpkins, squash, zucchini are all blooming and are highly pollinator dependent. See our latest newsletter on the Project Updates page and our new Frequently Asked Questions page
WiBee 2021 Newsletter 6: Cranberries, cucumbers, melons 🍉 oh My!
Get in last Cranberry surveys, and get ready for Cucumbers, Mellons and Tomato Blitz See what crops in Wisconsin are pollinator dependent Display of Master Gardener Volunteer survey counts and some volunteer bee pictures. Full …
6/24/21: Spend 15 minutes for Pollinator Week
Happy Pollinator Week! Celebrate today by doing three 5-minute surveys and see what bees you have pollinating flowers near you. Cranberry surveyors we need you! Flowers are at around 50% and we only have 10 …
WiBee 2021 Newsletter 5: Three surveys in 15 minutes 🕒 for Pollinator Week
It only takes 15 minutes to do 3 surveys and make a difference. Ever wonder why we ask for repeat surveys? See a real life example here. Full newsletter
WiBee 2021 Newsletter 4: What’s blooming and tips for tricky bees 📝
Whats blooming and recent surveys overview. What bee groups do you think are hardest to identify? Learn some ID tips with lots of bee photos. Full newsletter
6/2/21: Welcome Summer
Are berries blooming? Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries all make for good crop surveys, as do herbs and peas. Old pithy Rubus stems make nest sites for tunneling bees right in the buffet!
WiBee 2021 Newsletter 3 See our latest data and Celebrate Bees 🎉
How many bee species live in Wisconsin? In the world? Apple survey update and minimum sufficient wild bee visitation rate according to NEPP Learn how to use our Data Dashboard and see project data live …
WiBee 2021: Newsletter 2: Time to do some pollinator surveys!
What’s blooming: Apples! and How to check if you need to update your app. Bumblebee and Syrphid fly. Full Newsletter