Ben Bradford
Position title: Data visualization and analysis
Website: Department of Entomology
840 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Dr
Madison, WI 53706

M.S. Entomology – University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016
B.S. Biology – University of California, Davis, 2008
Research interests:
In the Groves Lab our research focuses primarily on applied aspects of pest management in commercial vegetable crop production in Wisconsin. We also study related questions surrounding the environmental fate of insecticides and issues of surface and groundwater quality and relationships to land use and agricultural intensity. In partnership with the Vegetable Pathology lab of Amanda Gevens, we have also developed several map-based web tools for predicting disease and insect risk using daily gridded weather data (VDIFN and AgWeather). I am also particularly interested in creating interactive web interfaces for connecting participants in citizen science projects with the data they help collect, such as with the WiBee pollinator survey project (dashboard link), and the Water Action Volunteers stream monitoring project (dashboard link).